Summary - June 20, 2016 Tensions in Data Meeting
We are reasonable certain about extending the workshop by ~3 days. Reason is that a few people can't arrive until late in the week. You are welcome to stay as long as you can. An official announcement about extension will come soon.
It's time to start preparing samples. We suggest you send around a small file soon so others can examine it. How about a deadline of about 2 weeks? Success will determine when we meet again.
Good discussion on raw samples to produce.
FLUX: We will all use same fluxes, looks like 5 fluxes- publication and most recent for Minerva and T2K but only publication for MiniBooNE.
MODELS: Both GENIE and NEUT are improving, use publication and latest-and-greatest versions.
NUANCE has only 1 version and Jan Sobczyk will define the NuWro version(s).
NEUTRINO FLAVORS: We need both numu and numubar samples, but numu is important background for most experiments. Some generators are able to make samples with more than 1 neutrino flavor. Therefore, we need either 2 (numu and numubar/numu) or 3 files (all 3 separate).
SPECs: Sample size should be at least 1M CC events.
Patrick's synthesizer program will be valuable to analyze different MC outputs with similar cuts. Kendall will work with Patrick and Tyler to allow implementation of NUANCE into the program. We need to discuss how we use Patrick's program in some detail.
Kendall and Steve - fix workshop dates asap, finalize sample definitions
Steve - upload flux files asap
Steve and Gabe - procure access to about 1TByte disk within about 2 weeks
Kendall, Patrick, Tyler - include NUANCE samples in Patrick's synthesizer program
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